细胞营养肽效果怎么样 聚拉提7d动机怎样样、7d聚拉提做完多久就分明动机

2023-05-01 09:51:13  阅读 44 次 评论 0 条

聚拉提7d动机怎样样、7d聚拉提做完多久就分明动机,聚拉提7D是运用无创高能聚焦超声波,正在皮下变成平衡的美商凯丽创伤点,经过创伤点的链接变成面部网状组织,唆使肌肤当然的更生建设反应,是“先破后立”的原理,先大面积多点位天生损害点,术后口服公用营养【紧美】细胞激活能量蛋白催生更年老的细胞,刺激胶原大度回生以及重组,进而构建全新的胶原蛋白纤维网,使苟且的肌肤马上紧实起来。聚拉提7d动机怎样样、7d聚拉提做完多久就分明动机,7D poly pull effect present generally need to be in two weeks after three weeks will slowly present, because the principle of 7D poly pull beauty is through 7D poly pull instrument destroy subcutaneous cell tissue, form a lot of dot grid damage, then by 7D poly pull special nutrition, stimulate new cells, so the effect needs at least a cell update metabolic cycle to slowly present。zsq



7d polyati uses MMFU macrofocus and micro focus techniques, with high intensity positioning focusing on the skin 1.6...4.5mm mm (fascia layer)





《◆◆◆》→→→Skin compaction, thermal stimulation with high energy focused energy, can make the collagen fiber of the dermis immediately centripetal contraction, so that the skin is tight after treatment.





《★✲★》→→→The effect of 7D pilati is not permanent and can generally be maintained for 2... 3 years. The ma凯丽钻石团队intenance time is related to the doctor's operation level, the skin condition of the beautiful patient and postoperative care.




◆☆◆ The reason why this conclusion is because 7D pilati or other physical therapy surgery to delay aging ★☆★ is destroying aging cells ★☆★ to create new cells, this time is the key to the question ◆☆◆ new cells will be younger cells




The aging process of normal people is the process of gradual energy loss and overdraft,Oral cell energy protein just takes the overdraft energy for targeted supplement, not onl美商凯丽y to provide high-quality nutrition for the epidermal cell renewal, but also can generate a large number of elastic fiber, to play the effect of relaxing the overall improvement of the skin.


细胞营养肽效果怎么样 聚拉提7d动机怎样样、7d聚拉提做完多久就分明动机


2020年有学者归纳墟市讲述,利用正轨7D聚拉提的没有良反应产生率约0.2%,席卷已知的大概的没有良反应(永远性水肿、淤青等,0.07%)、神经作用(永远性麻木嘛木/永远性静止或觉得神经麻木,0.07%)、结节(0.02%)、水疱/皮相效应(0.02%)、炎症后色素从容(0.002%)。较为少有的没有良反应如神经刺激→麻木→觉得极度→肿块等产生率 0.4%。这样可见7D聚拉提是安全的。

★☆★So why is the percentage of people with 7D Pilati side effects far greater than this indicator★☆★

If non-compliant instruments are not used, more serious are destructive adipocyte damage, destructive nerve damage, high temperature burns. These include irreversible damage that is the most severe and will cause lifelong trauma.






Rich in EGF epidermal growth factor, can accurately grasp epidermal damage cells, for sensitive muscle cuticle damaged and red silk, treatment group skin layer thickening, restore normal thickness, in vitro experiments fibroblast proliferation and collagen production increase, promote fibroblast proliferation and the production of collagen, have regenerative effect on photoaging skin.



★☆★皮肤保湿用神经酰胺专.利→✲←zl20181056889 9.5;

★☆★皮肤重要建设用胶原三肽专.利→✲←zl 201810869989.8;

★☆★皮肤聚集建设用弹性蛋白专.利→✲←zl2018 110202;


★☆软骨建设用海藻提取物专.利→✲←zl2018 10579838.7;

......Among them is vascular endothelial growth elastin shared exclusively. Profit and living hyaluronic acid generation shared exclusive. sharp.




In the process of 7D pilati, the whole cell is destroyed and the whole cell is regenerated. It is unrealistic that the generation of an entire cell depends solely on collagen.

◆◆◆其它单纯弥补弥补胶原蛋白,会使细胞能量失衡,轻易天生像疤痕一律的没有法则胶原粘连,没有活体弹性蛋白以及玻尿酸的撑持,个别天生的构造会僵直,导致面部变形◆◆◆这也是良多人做完7D聚拉提以来有硬块→→→上下错误称→→→面部坎坷的主要缘由。7D聚拉提公用【紧美】细胞激活能量蛋白属细胞重修营养,全 面平衡。


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